The disputes tribunal website has everything you need to know about it -  what it is, how to apply, what happens etc.  It is the official website for the New Zealand disputess tribunal.  What I have learnt from this website is that dispute tribunals are not like proper courts.  They are a more improper and informal way of solvivng civil disputes .They are also inexpensive and a private way to solve disputes There is no judge or jury involved instead there is a referee who is trained and specifically selected to solve disputes.  If it is necessary the refree can enforce you go to court if the nature of the dispute becomes neccesary for a court case.    I also learnt about how the hearing process worksand how to apply.  Here is a link to the website - http://www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/disputes-tribunal :)

The consumer website is very useful for people new to new zealand and people coming here for the first time!  Consumer is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping New Zealanders get a fair deal.  They work to give you the best deal with comparitive test, consumer surveys and reviews to give consumers are good deal!  You can find their magazine at most places which sell magazines.  Here is a link to the website - http://www.consumer.org.nz/ :)

The Ministry of consumer affairs website is good as it gives you all the information you need to know about being a consumer in New Zealand!  It tells you your writes as a consumer and what you need to know if you were in a situation where you think your rights have been breached.  It also gives sellers there rights too and what to do if they think any of their rights have been breached.  The website also gives information about how to avoid scams on and offline.  This website is very informative on the matter and is very useful! Here is a link to their website - http://www.consumeraffairs.govt.nz/ :)

The website of ministry of justice has on it legal aid.  What I have learnt from this page is that legal aid is funding provided by the goverment for people who can not afford a lawyer.  It tells you if you are aligable to apply and what to expect from you legal aid.  It also provides application forms so you can apply if need be.  Here is a link to the page - http://www.justice.govt.nz/services/legal-help/legal-aid


    Im Rachel, I am a part time super model and part time proffesional business women .  I studied at Harvord and am signed to LA Models.   Aswell as all this I have blog! Some people ask how I juggle all of my jobs and to be honest i dont know how i do it. i guess you could just say I'm talented xoxo
    - Rachel


    April 2013

